Category: Personal Journey

  • Ask for a Raise, A Guide

    Ask for a Raise, A Guide

    It can be really scary to ask for a raise! In the journey of financial independence and security, one significant factor often overlooked is our current income. While passive income sources, investments, and savings are crucial, ensuring we’re adequately compensated for our day-to-day jobs is equally important. You might have been in your role for…

  • How to Be Financially Independent from Parents

    How to Be Financially Independent from Parents

    Becoming financially independent from parents is a significant milestone in a young adult’s life. It’s a step filled with challenges yet abundant personal and financial growth opportunities. Through a blend of practical steps and a dash of discipline, transitioning into economic self-reliance is entirely achievable. Whether you are a college graduate or making strides in…

  • My personal FIRE journey: Prologue

    My personal FIRE journey: Prologue

    I built to help people. I’m enjoying my FIRE journey so much, and it would just be amazing if I could help other people find that joy! But recently, it occurred to me that one of the best ways I could help is to share the specifics of that journey. So let’s start at the beginning.…